


Automatic WordPress Backup 备份类插件:WordPress自动备份


PeoplePond Online Identity Widget 社交类插件:PeoplePond 线上识别挂件

通过在WordPress博客上安装 PeoPle Identity 挂件,扩展利用PeoPlePond资料,包括认证识别功能。这个挂件向你的读者展示你的状态,以及他们可以跟踪何种服务。


Shashin 视频类插件:ShaShin

Shashin 有很多功能,可以在WordPress博客的文章或页面中展示Pisaca的照片和视频。

LibXML2 Fix (不太明白,不翻译了)

Work around for some versions of libxml2 2.7.x that strip out brackets when parsing XML. This plugin fixes XML-RPC requests that are mangled because of this problem. The real fix for this (making the use of this plugin unnecessary) is to use PHP 5.2.9+ with libxml2 2.7.3+.

Custom Post Limits 文章类插件:自定义文章数


Allow Multiple Accounts 用户类插件:允许多个账户


Transpose Email 邮件类插件:邮件转发

在你使用 mailto: 链接的时候可以帮助你减少垃圾邮件侵扰。

Where did they go from here 优化类插件:他们还访问过哪里


Table of Contents Creator 

Table of Contents Creator (TOCC) will generate a table of contents for your pages, posts and forum comments. New comments, pages, posts and post catagories will automatically appear as soon as they are published. A great new feature of TOCC is the ability to include automatically generated page and post summaries below each item in the table of contents.

Robots Meta 优化类插件:Robots Meta

方便给 WordPress 网页添加各种 robots meta 项。

Store Locator 开发类插件:产品定位

WordPress Store Locator 便于网站的开发者轻松管理和维护重要商店、产品或者他们网站上其他位置的信息,便于读者搜索。使用Google地图。

No Update Nag 控制台插件:取消更新提示


Configure SMTP 邮件类插件:配置SMTP


Front-end Editor 边积累插件:Front-End编辑器



评论: WordPress插件推荐-1月17日

  • 激情点.

    就是要啦 2010/06/16 4:02 下午 回复
  • 很多插件很强!!!

    北京整形医院 2010/07/23 9:23 下午 回复
  • 先收藏着

    凡客服饰 2010/08/23 12:50 上午 回复
  • 很强大的插 件

    138PHOTO 2010/10/05 5:12 下午 回复
  • Hello I selected going through your webblog whilst I ‘m very impressed. I actually do have a couple of needs for you nevertheless . Are you intending on working a follow-up posting on this on this Will you be likely to maintain posting as well ? Moreover if you purchase an opportunity could you rate my personal acai site whenever you have an opportunity ?

    Ettie Buhoveckey 2010/11/26 2:09 上午 回复
  • 暂时还用不到这些插件,

    艾可优 2011/04/07 12:52 下午 回复

留言给文章 138PHOTO 取消回复

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