WordPress 4.7 Beta 3发布,以及Beta 4和RC版发布计划


WordPress开发团队发布了WordPress 4.7 Beta 3测试版。

由于该版本仍在测试之中,请不要将该版本的软件直接用在生产环境中。我们建议你安装一个专门的测试网站来体验新版本,或者登录WordPress中文网提供的WordPress 4.7中文演示站进行体验。你也可以直接下载Beta测试版

要进一步了解WordPress 4.7的新功能,你可以查看本站关于Beta 1Beta 2的文章,以及其他相关文章

WP 4.7 Beta 3的主要改进包括:

  • REST API: The unfiltered_html capability is now respected and rest_base has been added to response objects of wp/v2/taxonomies and wp/v2/types, while get_allowed_query_vars() and the rest_get_post filter have been removed.
  • Roles/Capabilities: Added meta-caps for comment, term, and user meta, which are currently only used in the REST API.
  • I18N: Added the ability to change user’s locale back to site’s locale. (#38632)
  • Custom CSS: Renamed the unfiltered_css meta capability to edit_css and added revisions support to the custom_css post type.
  • Edit shortcuts: Theme authors should take a look at the developer guide to the customizer preview’s visible edit shortcuts and update their themes to take advantage of them if not already implementing selective refresh.
  • Various bug fixes: 过去一周内修复了50 多个 bug 。

WordPress 4.7中文演示站已经更新到4.7 Beta 3最新测试版。


按照目前的开发计划,WordPress 4.7 Beta 4将于下周一14号(美国时间,北京时间大约顺延14个小时左右,下同)发布;RC版将于下周四17号发布。



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