WordPress 3.7.1 更新版发布


昨天,WordPress开发团队发布了WordPress 3.7.1。这是WordPress 3.7的更新版本。主要修复了WordPress 3.7中存在的以下bug:

  • Images with captions no longer appear broken in the visual editor.
  • Allow some sites running on old or poorly configured servers to continue to check for updates from WordPress.org.
  • Avoid fatal errors with certain plugins that were incorrectly calling some WordPress functions too early.
  • Fix hierarchical sorting in get_pages(), exclusions in wp_list_categories(), and in_category() when called with empty values.
  • Fix a warning that may occur in certain setups while performing a search, and a few other notices.


WordPress 3.7开启了自动更新小版本功能,你的WordPres 3.7将会自动升级到WordPress 3.7.1。除非你手动关闭了自动更新功能


评论: WordPress 3.7.1 更新版发布

  • 现在的3.7有个问题,就是利用快速编辑,会自动删掉标题,作者和标签,很麻烦。

    左岸读书 2013/10/31 11:38 下午 回复


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