WordPress 2.8 Beta 1 发布


WordPress 网站刚刚发布了 WordPress 2.8.1 的测试版 beta1。WordPress 2.8.1 将主要修复 WordPress 2.8 中存在的一些 bug 。

到目前为止,WordPress 2.8.1 beta1 主要解决了以下问题:

Certain themes were calling get_categories() in such a way that it would fail in 2.8. 2.8.1 works around this so these themes won’t have to change.

Dashboard memory usage is reduced.  Some people were running out of memory when loading the dashboard, resulting in an incomplete page.

The automatic upgrade no longer accidentally deletes files when cleaning up from a failed upgrade.

A problem where the rich text editor wasn’t being loaded due to compression issues has been worked around.

Extra security has been put in place to better protect you from plugins that do not do explicit permission checks.

感兴趣的网友下载 WordPress 2.8.1 beta1 进行测试。


评论: WordPress 2.8 Beta 1 发布

  • 刚装了2.8几天…

    Deloz 2009/06/21 12:41 下午 回复
  • 急需要,安装试试!

    蓝色贝雷帽 2009/06/22 10:40 上午 回复
  • 太快了点吧

    Jacse 2009/06/22 10:23 下午 回复
  • 把2.8正式版里面的bug解决了,不错的,可以消停消停了

    蓝色贝雷帽 2009/06/23 2:29 下午 回复
  • 这么快就beta了,2.8还没装呢

    zwwooooo 2009/06/23 10:38 下午 回复

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